AutoKeeper privacy policy (Android)
  1. AutoKeeper does not receive, use, store or transmit any data that could allow to identify a user (name, phone number, email, address, contacts of the user).
  2. All the information you enter into AutoKeeper is stored only locally on your smartphone and is not transmitted outside.
  3. If you use the backup function, the backup files are saved to your Google Drive or locally.
    1. Permission to access Google Drive is requested only for backups option. You can deny access to Google Drive in the settings at any time.
  4. Communication between your smartphone and our servers is carried out using SSL cryptographic protocols.
  5. To interact with your emails we use the “Yandex for Domain” mail server.
    1. We do not share your email address with third parties.
    2. We use your email addresses only to send replies to your requests and to provide related information.
    3. You can read about “Yandex for Domain” privacy and security policy at the following link:
  6. AutoKeeper integrates a set of “Firebase” utilities: real-time statistics, event tracking and error reporting.
    1. You can read about “Firebase” privacy and security policy at the following link:
  7. AutoKeeper integrates a set of “AppMetrica” utilities: real-time statistics, event tracking and error reporting.
    1. You can read about “AppMetrica” privacy and security policy at the following link:
  8. AutoKeeper integrates Android advertising ID.
    1. About the advertising ID you can read at the following link:

If you have any questions, please contact us at